Get the Most Profitable View of the Market Ever Created.

We're Changing the Way Traders See the Market
Announcing VisualTrader 12.5
It’s all about Trade Flow
With VisualTrader
The Trade Ideas Come To You
Situational Awareness for Profitable Trading
Using "heads up" displays and modern systems, fighter pilots always know where they are and what is around them
Now Available Version 12.7!
- Cryptocurrency Support
- Compatible with all prior Plug-ins
- Many Powerful Improvements
When trading the markets the need for clear situational awareness is clearly important to your success. Many traders fumble in the market looking for the next great trade idea. Let the trade ideas come to you with VisualTrader.

"VisualTrader delivers incredible trade ideas, day after day. It is unparalleled for making the complexity of the market simple to understand…For me it has been a license to print profit - year after year." - Peter Brooks
VisualTrader Upgrade History.
Just Keeps Getting Better!
VisualTrader 12.5
VisualTrader 12.5 is all about trade flow - enabling you to consistently and efficiently pull profits out of the market. We added MarketScans 2 the powerful real time market scanner that scans the entire market in real time and in any timeframe. We also added "Hot Buttons" to allow you to quickly create hot keys to perform trading task, including entry, exits and management. All with the click of a button!
VisualTrader 12
VisualTrader 12 Added the Power of Zacks Ranks to the only Trading Software built to visualize industry group rotation, multiple time frame views of the market and the ability to see the relation ship between multiple indicators in a 3-D Display! In addition we added Dynamic Indicators, Multiple Timeframe Analysis, Improved Fibonacci Tool and powerful chart improvements.
VisualTrader 11
VisualTrader 11 included Visual ETF Trader, the best way to trade ETF's and we added the Auto Sim which allows you to test before you trade. This powerful upgrade also included Adjustable Position Windows, Major Speed Improvements, Configurable Toolbars and Quick Indicators.
VisualTrader 10.5
VisualTrader 10.5 introduced "The Secret Sauce" our very first VisualTrader plugin and the powerful Interactive VisualTrader Simulator where you are able to practice trading historically in any timeframe! We also added some powerful ease of uses features like Drag and Drop symbols where you can drag charts to your focus list, alerts and watch list, New list columns to give you even more control over the information you are looking for.
VisualTrader 10
VisualTrader 10 was our Audio-Video version of the software - implementing incredible alerts for almost everything you want to accomplish in VisualTrader. We also introduced Scan Groups which allowed you to quickly prospect the Entire market for profitable setups every day along with Sector Organization, Dynamic Map Groups, and the ability to change the look and feel of every aspect of VisualTrader.
If you already own VisualTrader, be sure and upgrade to the latest version to enjoy all that VT has to offer.