Market Breadth | Nirvana Systems Inc.

Market Breadth

Market Breadth

OmniData Realtime 1. What market breadth indicators are available in OmniData Realtime? Click here to view the attached file entitled “OmniData RT MarketBreath Symbols.” The more common indicators have been listed at the top. 2. How can I add OmniData RT market breadth symbols to OmniTrader & VisualTrader? You may add them like you would any stock or index using the quick chart, symbol list editor, or right-click/add option in the list. You can overlay a symbol if you like on your charts by adding the Typical Price indicator to your chart, then apply the symbol in the Base symbol field. OmniData End of Day 3. What market breadth indicators are available in OmniData EOD? Click here to view the attached file entitled “OmniData EOD MarketBreath Symbols.” 4. How can I add OmniData EOD market breadth symbols to OmniTrader & VisualTrader? Right-click any chart & select Add Indicator/Market Breadth (method available in VT at a later date). You may also add them like you would any stock or index using the quick chart, symbol list editor, or right-click/add option in the list. 5. Will market breadth symbols in OmniData EOD work in Realtime or vice versa? No. If you are running OmniData in Realtime, the EOD market breadth symbols will not be available. If you are running OmniData in EOD, the RT market breadth symbols will not be available.