Company Testimonials | Nirvana Systems Inc.

Nirvana Testimonials 
Members Share Their Experience with the Nirvana Systems

We asked members to answer the questions "How has Nirvana Systems helped you?" and "Why would you recommend OmniTrader to other traders?"

Johnny J. Nirvana Trader since 1995

Omnitrader is second to none!

Omnitrader is second to none!

Robert V. Nirvana Trader since 1998

16.48% returns are good!

Over the past 2 years, I have 16.48% annual return which is good!

Larrie C. Nirvana Trader since 1990

I'm Up 34.88% in 2020!

I'm up 34.88% in 2020!

Peter B. Nirvana Trader since 2011

Visual Trader is a license to print money!

There are essentially two things I look for in trading: Direction and Momentum. Visual Trader's uniqueness was always that it provided this information so simply and cleanly. I have always felt that Visual Trader is a license to print money.

Anthony W. Nirvana Trader since 2001

I now trade with a more mechanical approach and less emotion!

Since joining I have learnt a great deal about trading, especially with watching the videos and subsequently purchasing a training method. One of the main lessons learnt is the fact that I now trade with a more mechanical approach and less emotion, which I feel is key to the long term success of any trader. I have been a Member for years now and as an owner of a small business in the UK, I am so impressed with the way you embrace your customers and provide such excellent service. Memberships works so well for both members and Nirvana in the development of OT & VT, and it really does feel as if we are a community and not just a customer for you to sell products to.

David L. Nirvana Trader since 1990

My 14.3% annual return these past years, 2019/2020, was a good return!

My 14.3% annual return these past years, 2019/2020, was a good return!

Kevin Nirvana Trader since 2004

Keep Up The Great Work!

Been with you folks forever, love what you do for us, keep up the great work.

Chris N. Nirvana Trader since 2001

Exciting New Products And Updates!

Each year trading with Nirvana becomes more exciting as new products and updates are introduced. The Nirvana Membership has allowed me to gain better knowledge on the hows and whys of these great programs as well as meet some great people with similar interests.

David L. Nirvana Trader since 1990

I trust Nirvana with my money!

I trust Nirvana with my money and Membership has been the best investment I ever made.

John L. Nirvana Trader since 2000

The Nirvana Membership remains my single best resource for trading success.

When one trades for a living, it is very easy to become relatively narrow in approach to the markets. It is my opinion that everyone must grow professionally to continue to be successful. The Nirvana membership has exposed me to new strategies and approaches as well as to a group of exceptional traders. It would be difficult to quantify the monetary benefit of the membership as I daily tweak the tools (OmniTrader and VisualTrader) and employ new ideas I have learned from the community. The Nirvana Membership remains my single best resource for trading success.

The Nirvana membership provides a Forum to discuss trading needs, software applications, and personal trading results (Forums); an opportunity to review products in development (Beta Tests) and make suggestions/recommendations; and a vast and diverse group of other members to provide suggestions and solutions. Of course, ultimately, the membership is focused on the ultimate trading solution. Together, these resources make the subscription one of the best values I have found. I have recommended Nirvana membership to many of my personal friends who wish to go to the next level in trading success.

Click here for more testimonials.
