Chart Pattern Recognition Module 6
Compatible Platform: OmniTrader / VisualTrader
Recommended Data: End Of Day / Real Time
The Chart Pattern Recognition Module (CPRM) automatically finds the stocks with the strongest patterns in the market. Now in CPRM6, we can also find the best patterns in ANY time-frame! This breakthrough in pattern identification technology makes the best Chart Pattern Module more powerful than ever before!
Supercharge Your Trading with
The Power of Patterns!
Armed with OmniTrader and CPRM6 you see patterns setups
BEFORE they turn into GREAT trades enabling you to act and profit.
Find Patterns Faster
And Easier
Patterns "Simplified"
With SEVEN new chart patterns PLUS the ability to test the historical profitability of ALL patterns on your list...
Chart Pattern Recognition Module 6 is sure to make a huge difference in your trading. Prepare to be amazed at the ‘moves’ CPRM6 identifies before they happen.
This is what Technical Analysis is all about.
Know WHICH Patterns are the Most Profitable on Your Symbols! The NEW Chart Pattern Profit Analyzer makes it easy to SEE which patterns have been the most profitable on your symbol list. Sub-patterns were released in CPRM3. As a result, and with the 7 new patterns introduced in CPRM6, there are literally hundreds of patterns to choose from. So now, what we really wanted to know, “Which patterns are the best (i.e., most profitable) to use?” CPRM5 provides the answer!