Automatic Trade Selection
Dramatically Improves All Strategies
Discover the Power
of Automatic Trade Selection in your trading!

Every year, we review OmniTrader to determine what we can add to help our users make more money in their trading. In 20 years of upgrades, we've added a lot of great features.
The Right Trades at the Right Time
Selecting the Best Trades - Automatically
This year we stepped back to ask an important question. OmniTrader can find a great list of Signals each day (or each bar, in Real Time). But we typically have more Signals than we can trade. So which do we trade?
We might have 3 or 4 new Long Signals on a given day. Before we submit orders, and especially in automated trading, shouldn’t we be selecting the BEST ONES?
What we want to do is RANK the Signals based on a metric that indicates better trades. This is precisely what Automatic Trade Selection or “ATS” in OmniTrader 2018 provides.
The OmniTrader Focus List has the ability to sort Signals using a metric like volatility or strength of trend. But ATS has the ability to actually TEST a ranking method to see if it works, and how well it works!
And ATS goes beyond a single indicator. It can automatically test & combine SEVERAL RANKING INDICATORS using a proprietary optimization algorithm. Just run the Portfolio Simulator and ATS does the work.
With ATS, you don’t have to know which indicators to use.
ATS does IT ALL...
-Ed Downs
Ground Breaking New Feature
Automatic Trade Selection
On any given day, or any bar in real time, we typically will see a number of Signals on the same day (bar). Which ones do we take? Even more importantly, if we are running the trading automation using Auto Trader, which ones does it take?
Ranking Makes All the
Difference in the world.
The new ATS feature in OmniTrader 2018 is designed to answer the question, "Which trades do I take today?" But it does it in a very special way that you will read about.
Automatically Combines Multiple Indicators
An enormous advancement in the design of ATS is that it can rank on multiple indicators. It does this by running simulations on your symbols and signals to determine which ranking formulas help select better trades. Then, it sets the weights automatically.

A Portfolio Simulation on the Reversal Strategy shows the difference between no Ranking, and the same Strategy with ATS Ranking. ATS picks better trades, producing higher gains and lower draw downs! This kind of instant improvement can make a big difference for any trader.
"ATS is a breakthrough feature that has the potential to improve the results of ANY Profile in OmniTrader."
The Power of Automatic Trade Selection

The above example uses the Double Stochastics Strategy on the S&P 100 and Nasdaq 100. Trades are ranked using the Volatility Price Ratio and Trend Intensity Index, with 10% of equity on each trade. Ranking enabled OmniTrader to select the best trades!
An Amazing Improvement
Before we developed ATS, we had not experienced the incredible difference it can have on Strategy Performance.
The Strategy shown is just one example of this effect. The ONLY difference between the two curves is that one uses ranking to select trades. Looking at the stats to the right, we see that Average Annual ROI nearly doubled with a slight increase in Draw Down. This was achieved using exactly the same number of
trades and the same percent invested!
The great thing is, all you do is turn it on. You don't have to write any formulas or tweak settings. ATS can improve most Strategies in the same way.
Question: What is this improvement worth to your trading?
It's included in the OmniTrader 2018 Upgrade!

How It Works
ATS Methods are defined in the portfolio Simulator, each with its own ranking functions. When the Portfolio Simulator runs an ATS method, it determines weights that indicate how much the given ranking formula helps predict better Signals. This provides excellent feedback, because we focus on ranking functions that actually are predictive.

1 - ATS Method
We provide two Ranking Methods. You can also easily create and test your own.
2 - Simulation
The Portfolio Simulator will test the Ranking formulas and determine optimal weights to select the best trades in your profile. The process is 100% Automatic.
3 - Trading
Focus List shows ranked Symbols.
AutoTrade will automatically select trades based on the ranking order.
Now you're trading with the BEST trades from your Strategies!
additional improvements for omnitrader 2018
We've added some important new columns to the focus list as a result of ATS and other features customers have been requesting!
Ranking values for Automatic Trade Selection are displaying in this column for easy sorting of opportunities, with the best at the top.
OmniScript Indicator Columns
You can now create a column with any indicator formula you like, similar to Quick Indicators in charts.
Profit/Loss Column
For any position, you will now see Profit and Loss % right in the Focus List.

Strategy Notes
It's easy to forget edits you've made to Strategies. Now, you can add notes. The first line is displayed in the Strategies tab of the To Do List.
Indicator Alerts
Want OmniTrader to tell you when your stock crosses an SMA? Now you can define alerts using indicators. Alerts can be applied to any individual Symbol or the entire Focus List.
Dynamic Chart Periods
Set your mouse wheel to change periodicity in any chart. Helps with multiple-timeframe confirmation.
Focus List Export
At last! Export an Excel-readable (text) file from the columns in your Focus List!

Introducing izones
The OmniTrader 2018 upgrade package comes with a powerful new concept called iZones, which are designed to identify supply and demand areas in the charts.
iZones are similar to your support and resistance levels. However, iZones are much more powerful because they are based on the strength of a reversal and price activity around a reversal.

A Major Market Force
All movement in the markets is based on supply and demand. An imbalance between the two causes markets to rise and fall. However, when abnormal imbalances exists, we know that institutional forces are contributing, and they are likely to engage around the same price area in the future.
iZones identifies these important areas by examining price activity around a reversal. By analyzing how price reacts before and after a reversal, we are able to know the price area where market movers are looking to engage.

Supply and Demand Zones
iZones identify both Supply and Demand Zones. The above charts show examples of both. Once an iZone is detected , we look for it to provide support or resistance in the near future.
The charts on these pages show how iZones illuminate powerful reversal potential. iZones can help to confirm trades in any market or timeframe. They can also be used to help us maximize gains.
"Freshness" Matters
For Profitable Trades
Supply and Demand Zones are dynamic. iZones will track the current zones in order to watch for them to be tested. However, as the supply and demand of the market changes, new Supply and Demand Zones are formed.
When this happens, iZones will stop tracking the previous zones and plot new zones. This provides a dynamic indicator that automatically adjust to the current market forces.

Fresh Demand Zones adjust as demand changes over time.

This real time chart of (ADBE) shows iZones in action.
iZones Trading Success
How can we use iZones in trading? The visual cues provided by these amazing indicator can be extremely helpful in confirming any trade from any strategy. The examples show where iZones reversals are occurring.
It is absolutely uncanny how often these moves occur and how well they work. While iZones are valuable as a visual confirming indicators, we are also providing four Trading Strategies based on iZones Logic!
Get "In the Zone" - With iZones!

New Z3 Strategy is included FREE when you
purchase the Special Upgrade Package.
Discover the Power of Supply and Demand Zones
Read Ed Down’s letter to learn more about this powerful Strategy Powered by iZones.
Order by December 8th and Save!

“The Automatic Trade Selection is the most powerful feature we've ever included in an OmniTrader Upgrade. By ranking trades using specific indicators, we are seeing DOUBLE the profitability in our Strategies. All you do is activate it, and let it go to work!
Then, use iZones to identify trades with the explosive move potential! iZones are a powerful new concept that Jeff Drake illuminates in his "Profit Magic of iZones" seminar. This upgrade is definitely going to improve your trading in 2018. I guarantee it!"
– Ed Downs

For a Limited time get Z3 FREE when you purchase the Special Upgrade Package.
OmniTrader 2018 Upgrade......................................$199
iZone Plug-in..........................................................$395
The Profit Magic of iZones Seminar..........................FREE
The NEW Z3 Strategy..............................................$995
Total Value: $1,600
Special Package Price: $395
Improve your trading this year!
Get it All
for Just $395
Our Guarantee
Our Software is backed by our unconditional Money Back Guarantee.
If for any reason you are not fully satisfied, you may return the software, within 30 days of purchase, for a 100% refund. In bundle offers, the OmniTrader upgrade is valued at $149 if purchased by the deadline, $199 after the deadline. Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax.
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Important Information: Futures, options and securities trading has risk of loss and may not be suitable for all persons. No Strategy can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading.
Copyright 2018, Nirvana Systems, Inc.