The OPtion trader plus difference

It's easy how adding OptionTrader Plus to your trades can 2x, 3, or more the profit you see.

Using OptionTrader Plus with RocketSignals, Bob Gained $33,952 on BYND Calls for Jan 29, 2021.  This is an example of how you can add OptionTrader Plus to ANY trading method and see OUTRAGEOUS Gains!

The BP Compression Range strategy fired a long signal to buy on 1/21.  On this signal we took a Long Call Option for the 52.5 March 19.

Trading the stock would have cost $5,666 to enter.  The same Option would have cost just $714.

As of today, the strategy is up a respectable 14%.  But using OptionTrader Plus on the same signal we are up over 73% on just a fraction of the upfront cost.

The BP Compression Strategy fired a long signal to buy on 2/4.  On this signal we took a Long Call Option for the 130 March 130.

Trading the stock would have cost $12,600 to enter.  The same Option would have cost just $690.

As of today, the BP Compression Strategy is up 14.12% while trading the Option using OptionTrader Plus you would be up over 142%.

The OPtiontrader plus difference

It's easy how adding OptionTrader Plus to your trades can 2x,3, or more the profit you see.

Using OptionTrader Plus with RocketSignals, Bob Gained $33,952 on BYND Calls for Jan 29, 2021.  This is an example of how you can add OptionTrader Plus to ANY trading method and see OUTRAGEOUS Gains!

The BP Compression Range strategy fired a long signal to buy on 1/21.  On this signal we took a Long Call Option for the 52.5 March 19.

Trading the stock would have cost $5,666 to enter.  The same Option would have cost just $714.

As of today, the strategy is up a respectable 14%.  But using OptionTrader Plus on the same signal we are up over 73% on just a fraction of the upfront cost.

The BP Compression Strategy fired a long signal to buy on 2/4.  On this signal we took a Long Call Option for the 130 March 130.

Trading the stock would have cost $12,600 to enter.  The same Option would have cost just $690.

As of today, the BP Compression Strategy is up 14.12% while trading the Option using OptionTrader Plus you would be up over 142%.
